Hospitality and art

This initiative has been strongly desired and promoted by Emanuela Zolesi, creator and owner of Le Logge temporary living. The apartments, initially designated for the tourist accommodation service, wish to become a reference point for the local art scene: the aim is to unite hospitality and art in a single experience by exploring new ways of enjoying art within an environment effectively experienced by the spectator himself.

The domestic and quiet context represents an innovative exhibition space that permits to get mostly in touch with the artworks. This framework can also free art from its institutional contexts, most of the time too cold and impersonal, by restoring a more intimate and daily dimension.

Le Logge Parma temporary living intends to allow room for different artists and art forms. Better conditions for the exploitation and the maximum visibility of the artworks are created thanks to extended art exhibitions.

Artworks by Samuel Alexander Acevedo, Martina Biasetti, Valentina Biasetti, Luca Soncini, Andrea Valenti are currently exposed inside Le Logge Parma temporary living apartments.

Ospitalità e arte
  • Andrea Valenti was born in Siena in 1967. He studied at “Paolo Toschi” art high school in Parma and then got a degree in architecture from Politecnico di Milano. Since 1995, after a long journey in in

  • Luca Soncini was born in Parma in May 1980. After completing the “Paolo Toschi” art high school in Parma, he graduated at the Accademia delle Belle Arti di Brera in Milan where his experimentation ran

  • Samuel Alexander Acevedo was born in Valencia (Venezuela) in 1985. After the degree in languages at G.Marconi high school, his passion for photography leads him to work first for a communication agenc

  • Valentina Biasetti (Parma, 1979) She applies for the painting school at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna. In 2002 the exhibiting starts with the show Prime Pagine (Modena) curated by Davide Bena